was founded in early 2006 By Shawn Fredrickson & Peter Hulsey as the first-ever AJAX powered event mapping service. NavDog quickly made a splash in the Web 2.0 community with its unique content browsing approach to map search and its entertaining style. In 2007, determined to leave the world of map mashups behind, NavDog embarked on a complete overhaul of their business model and technology. The founders began redevelopment with their focus on a full scale map search site that would be constructed on the principals of an industrial grade GIS system that incorporated advanced logic processing. Joined in early 2008 by Ty Seddon, a business intelligence expert, the NavDog team would create a completely unique mapping experience and discover the potential of integrated intelligence in many applications.
Maps was founded in early 2006 By Shawn Fredrickson & Peter Hulsey as the first-ever AJAX powered event mapping service. NavDog quickly made a splash in the Web 2.0 community with its unique content browsing approach to map search and its entertaining style. In 2007, determined to leave the world of map mashups behind, NavDog embarked on a complete overhaul of their business model and technology. The founders began redevelopment with their focus on a full scale map search site that would be constructed on the principals of an industrial grade GIS system that incorporated advanced logic processing. Joined in early 2008 by Ty Seddon, a business intelligence expert, the NavDog team would create a completely unique mapping experience and discover the potential of integrated intelligence in many applications.
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