Photo-sharing community. Discover the world through photos.
Panoramio is a community-powered site for exploring places through photography: cities, natural wonders, or anywhere you might go. Panoramio is a showcase for the talents of its contributors, a place to see the world, and a community where members determine the content. Panoramio photos don't contain commercial messages.
Panoramio is different from other photo sharing sites because the photos illustrate places. As you browse Panoramio, notice that there aren't many photos of friends and family posing in front of places, or photos of interesting surfaces--Panoramio's all about seeing the world.
Every Panoramio photo is a candidate for transfer to the Google Earth Panoramio layer. You'll notice a line under each photo, telling you whether it's been reviewed or selected for Google Earth. Once a month, we transfer the selected photos.
It's important to respect the copyright of each contributor. To find out whether you can use, copy, print or download a photo from, see Legalities and policies.
If you still have questions, please continue reading or check the Panoramio Forum. Enjoy Panoramio!
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Someone is a Doctor, Someone is a Teacher, Someone is an Engineer, Someone is a Mentor, Someone is a Cracker, Someone is a Hacker, AND I AM AN assadotcom. Just Patch It "N Enjoy!!!